Rapper With A Bad Haircut Gets Arrested For - You Guessed It - Murdering His Barber

They say you learn something new every day. 

Today, that rings true for me. Apparently I follow a Twitter account called "Daily Loud". Somewhere along the way I must've mashed the follow button for whatever reason. They have 2.2 million followers so I'm not the only one. I mostly gloss over their content but today I was spellbound by what I saw.

Apparently there's a real person that goes by "Superstar Pride" and he's a rapper. He went viral on TikTok, which is cool, but people started to roast the shit out of his hair. On one hand, people are recognizing him and it's hard to break into the music scene. On the other, it's because of a bad decision with his hair. Stuff like this started making its way around and he became a meme.

Well, if you can believe it, he was arrested in connection to a shooting that resulted in the death of his barber. 

Now, we won't jump to conclusions. Innocent until proven guilty as far as I'm concerned. But let's just assume for a minute that he is guilty. Is there any sort of loophole or shadow clause that gets him off on this because he's justified in his actions? Technically, you could make the argument that the crime he's accused of committing only happened as result of a criminally bad haircut. I mean, look at this guy's hair and you be the judge. 
No wonder this bloke was upset. His barber forgot to cut the hair on the entire back half of his head! There's no way to explain this. It just looks like the barber's clippers stopped working and he didn't think Superstar Pride would notice when he spun the chair around. 

Again, I'm not saying he did it but if he did, I think he might have a case.  


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