SHOCKER: The Titans Have Fired Mike Vrabel

The NFL head coaching carousel has been thrown for a loop today and suddenly there's a new top-dog candidate: Mike Vrabel. What the fuck are the Titans doing? 

For whatever reason, the Titans felt it necessary to fire Vrabel after 6 years in Nashville. Irreconcilable differences between he and Ran Carthon? Two recent seasons of below-expectation performance? Whatever the case, this is after four straight winning seasons and 2021 Coach of the Year award. The last two were admittedly a disaster, but the front office didn't exactly do him any favors personnel-wise. Granted, it was supposed to be the beginning of the post-Tannehill/Derrick Henry era. A new dawn. A hard reset of sorts. 

Instead, they just cut the guy loose and didn't even try to get anything for him.  

The Titans have just initiated a self-destruct sequence that will take years to fix. 

Team owner Amy Adams Strunk released this statement:
Before we go any further, it should be noted that the final line of that statement is patently false. Whatever "moment" she intends to meet has already passed, because she fired him and got nothing in return. It was decided that trading Vrabel would just take too long, and they wanted to act fast instead of maximize their ROI.  

You almost gotta respect the level of smugness here to openly admit that trading him was gonna require too much work. What else do these people have to do this offseason? If you know you can get something for him and blatantly decline because you don't wanna make some phone calls, that makes you a stupid, lazy person. "No thanks, I know Mike Vrabel is valuable and we can get something in return but I don't want to deal with all that, I just wanna move on." Sorry-ass stuff from Miss Amy. Meanwhile, Mike Vrabel will have a job tomorrow because he's the most sought-after coach on the market the second he was fired.  

Overall it's just a batshit crazy move from an organization that's looking more and more braindead by the millisecond. The jury's out on Ran Carthon, officially. He's got some cap space to work with but lots of roster holes, no coach, and a pressurized 7th overall pick that absolutely HAS to work out long-term. I don't care what he did in San Fran, he's off to a horseshit start in Nashville and it just got worse today. 


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