Texas Basketball Coach Rodney Terry Isn't Built For The SEC, Cries About Horns Down

Everybody knows the horns up is actually just the nWo Wolfpac signal repurposed. It doesn't belong to Texas, and why Texas views it as a hate crime when anyone does the upside down Wolfpac is beyond me. 

When did this become so inflammatory? As a non-Texas fan, I don't understand why anyone takes it so personal, but they do. As a result, it's become a thing anytime Texas loses in anything. They continue to let it get under their skin so bad that it'll never go away, and it's their own fault for constantly being so lame about it. 

Last night was no exception and I'm not sure I've ever seen a more collectively butt-hurt institution than the University of Texas or this coach. If you dare flash the horns down at anyone associated with the lesser UT ("UT Jr." as we call them) they go all to pieces. Last night was another in a long line of kerfuffles involving Texas being offended by the horns down gesture.

UCF erased a 16-point deficit to beat Texas. They rallied from behind to beat the Longhorns at home and celebrated by horns-downing the crowd in the handshake line. That's when Texas coach Rodney Terry took it on himself to let them know how "classless" they were for doing it. There's nothing better in college hoops than a coach chiding the other team's players in the handshake line to uphold some unspoken moral code after losing a game. The spirit of Coach K lives on with the handshake line lectures. 

You'd be better off blasting double middle fingers in his face because it seems like he'd be less offended by that. This is absolute loser behavior and they should be embarrassed. 

Does this guy not know what he's in for? Here's my friend @ANTIFaldo summing it up in a tweet.  

Hey, Coach Terry, here's a thought: don't blow a double-digit lead. Don't lose, then maybe you won't have teenagers on the other team making a harmless hand gesture that you don't like. If you want to defend the honor of the University of Texas then do better and don't piss away a win against UCF. Wear that burnt, fecal shade of orange with a little more pride and grow up. If you're letting this bother you, you're gonna have a really bad time starting next year.  

Buckle up, Texas. It's time to mentally prepare yourself in the event of increased hostility. For starters, don't flip out any time someone does the horns down. It's incredibly soft and makes you look like a colossal dork. It'll only make it worse. You're in the SEC now. There's no decorum, no code, and all bets are off once you enter the arena. 

All I'm saying is around here, we do things a little different and the horns down is the least of your worries. If there's not a golf ball handy then we grab whatever's available.  

Welcome to the SEC. You're gonna hate it here.


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