ZOO CONSPIRACY: Bear Or Human In Bear Costume?

Lots of chatter about this bear exhibit at a China zoo and I personally don't see the big deal. People are saying this bear, who goes by the name Angela, might actually be a human in a bear suit. I'm no zoologist, but I think they need to lay off. 

No, this bear doesn't have a phat ass. Some bears do but she probably doesn't have a normal bear life (hunting, climbing trees, hibernation). 

And yes, looks like a human when it's standing up. But any bear is going to have an inverted, "Hank Hill" ass when it stands up, that's not their natural posture! 

Let's also keep in mind that this bear has little to no muscle mass since it lives at a zoo and doesn't get any real exercise chasing other bears and catching salmon in rivers like it would in the wild. 

Yeah, I'll admit it looks like one of the animatronic robots at Chuck E. Cheese when it stands on its hind legs. Call it a coincidence, I guess. Either way, folks can't get enough of Angela and zoo attendance is up something like 30% just to lay eyes on this sassy maiden. 

The zoo came out and put the rumors to rest with a convincing statement saying she's "definitely not a human". There you have it - I'm glad we could clear that up and put it behind us! Consider me firmly on Team Bear on this one and congrats to Angela on getting the love and attention she deserves. 


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